7th January 2018


Image result for cathedral of the nativity egypt

The Cathedral of the Nativity (under construction)


Image result for cathedral of the nativity egypt

The plans for the completed Cathedral



His Holiness Pope Tawadros II prayed the mass of Christmas at the new Cathedral of the Nativity yesterday at the New Administrative Capital for the first time.

The Cathedral is the largest Church in the Middle East and the largest Coptic Church in the world. It can take over 9,000 people.

The Cathedral was built as a symbol of love between all Egyptians, whether Christians or Muslims.

It is part of a brand new complex that the Egyptian State has planned for the Coptic Church, as well as a new Papal Residency, administrative offices, conference centres and another church called the People’s Church, which can take over 1,000 people.

His Holiness said during the mass that this occasion would be added to the Coptic Synaxarium as a symbol of the Church’s gratitude and so that we remember this day.


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