19th May 2018


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His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos at the Royal Wedding



His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, Archbishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London, and Official Papal Spokesman in the United Kingdom, made both British and Coptic history on Saturday by becoming the first Coptic Bishop to pray at a Royal Ceremony.

His Eminence, who was awarded an OBE by Her Majesty the Queen in 2015, is a close personal friend to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and a friend to both Prince Harry and Miss Meghan Markle.

“Lord of life and love: hear our prayer. May they nurture their family with devotion, see their children grow in body, mind and spirit and come at last to the end of their lives with hearts content and in joyful anticipation of heaven,” he prayed.

His Eminence has served in the United Kingdom since 1999, first as a General Bishop ordained by the late Pope Shenouda III, then as the first Archbishop of London, after being ordained by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II in November 2017.


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